Appenjel software solutions for Your Success

We provide the best software solutions for your business. Our software solutions are designed to help you grow your business and achieve your goals. Join Now 👉

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Our software solutions are designed to help you grow your business and achieve your goals. We provide the best software solutions for your business. Our software solutions are designed to help you grow your business and achieve your goals.

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Our Features

Task Management

Our software solutions are designed to know each task price and make your estimation more accurate. We are offering Draft, Published, Working Progress and Completed status for each task to identify the task status.

Task Discussion

Each task has a chat option to communicate between the task owner and the assigned person. This chat option helps to discuss the task details and make the task more clear.

File Sharing

Task has individual file sharing option to share the task related files. This option helps to share the task related files and make the task more clear.

Special Price

We offer more affordable prices for our software solutions to make your business more profitable. Our software solutions are designed to help you grow your business and achieve your goals.

Ticketing System

Our ticketing system is designed to help you support issues and requests in a more efficient ways.

Manage Domain

We provide manage domain option to manage your domain easily. You can transfer your domain to other providers easily.

What They Says

Select Your Plan


Best for personal

$ 5.59 3.46 p/task

  • Solve website issue
  • Solve Html, Css, JS issues
  • Chat with the assigned developer
  • Get ticket answer within 24 hours


Best for design and development

$ 9.59 7.46 p/page

  • Single page website design from figma/PSD
  • Html, CSS, JS, Jquery
  • VueJS, ReactJS, NuxtJS, NextJS development addons
  • Chat with the assigned developer
  • Get ticket answer within 12 hours


Best for organization

$ 9.99 16.49 p/hour

  • Web Application development
  • Website Design
  • Laravel, Filament, Livewire, Jetstream, InertiaJS, TailwindCSS, AlpineJS, VueJS, ReactJS, NuxtJS, NextJS development
  • Chat with the assigned developer
  • Get ticket priority answer within hour even instantly

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